Author Archives: rossdev

Our Values: How to Make a Positive Impact

How to make a Positive Impact

Do you want to make a positive impact on others? Are you working with like-minded people? How does it make you feel when dealing with people who don’t share your hopes and values? It’s important as a business to have a set of values that can be shared with all your employees, so that everyone […]

How to get back your time

How to get back your time

When you started your care business did you imagine that you’d get to make a difference doing something you enjoy, work how you wanted and have time for yourself? In reality, are you wearing all the hats? Are you doing everything – HR, IT, marketing and finance – with no time to enjoy the tasks […]

“Why has my tax code changed?” How to answer payslip queries

Kim and Beth looking at a laptop

How do you feel when employees ask you questions about their payslips? Can you explain their payslip to them? Does it fill you with dread because, honestly, do you understand it all? If pay isn’t right, it causes stress and ill feeling, so it ‘pays’ to have the basics to hand.  Having an understanding of […]

How to Reduce the Chance of Payroll Errors in Your Care Business

How to reduce the chance of payroll errors in your care business

As an employer, you may be wondering how to reduce the chance of payroll errors in your care business and efficiently manage payroll. Should you run it yourself, employ someone or outsource it to a payroll professional like Fresh Clarity? Before making that decision it’s useful to understand what it takes to successfully process payroll. […]

How To Retain and Recruit Top Talent in Your Homecare Business

Fresh Clarity Team
How To Retain and Recruit Top Talent in Your Homecare Business You’re constantly stressing about recruiting to make sure you can meet the needs of the clients you support. When you’re not recruiting, you’re worrying about losing good team members who have reached tipping point. There is a significant impact on the quality-of-service delivery, customer [...]

How much will an accountant cost?

Fresh Clarity Accountants - How much will an accountants cost?
As a business owner you’re wondering how much it will cost to work with an accountant. The answer is not as straightforward as you might think because there are many factors involved. We want to help you make sense of it all so that you understand the cost and value you receive. There are 3 [...]

What is your real-life number?

What's your real life number?
Every business owner has a real-life number. It is everything behind the scenes, that you are working towards in your real life, things like your next house, next big investment, or your pension pot. This real-life number can and should be linked with everything that the business is working towards. It is the key to [...]

Why Your Business is Letting Your Family Down

Why your business is letting your family down

Is your business letting your family down? You started a business to create a better lifestyle. Whether that’s for more money, more freedom of when you want to work, more control over decision making. Yet once you set the business up, it all seems to become a distant memory. Your business becomes this out of […]

8 ways you’re sabotaging your own business

Business Planning avoids Sabotaging your business

Could you be sabotaging your own business? In almost every small business, there comes a point where you hit a wall. Something isn’t quite working, or the same patterns repeat themselves. Maybe it’s taking much longer to grow than you’d hoped. Perhaps your profits remain stubbornly low. There will always be challenges for those brave […]