Category Archives: Payroll

“Why has my tax code changed?” How to answer payslip queries

Kim and Beth looking at a laptop

How do you feel when employees ask you questions about their payslips? Can you explain their payslip to them? Does it fill you with dread because, honestly, do you understand it all? If pay isn’t right, it causes stress and ill feeling, so it ‘pays’ to have the basics to hand.  Having an understanding of […]

How to Reduce the Chance of Payroll Errors in Your Care Business

How to reduce the chance of payroll errors in your care business

As an employer, you may be wondering how to reduce the chance of payroll errors in your care business and efficiently manage payroll. Should you run it yourself, employ someone or outsource it to a payroll professional like Fresh Clarity? Before making that decision it’s useful to understand what it takes to successfully process payroll. […]