Category Archives: Homecare

What are Articles of Association and why do I need them?

What are Articles of Association

As a small business owner, you may have heard the term “Articles of Association”.  But what exactly are they, and why are they essential for your business? In this blog we’ll explain more about Articles of Association, their purpose, significance, and how to ensure yours are tailored to your needs. What Are Articles of Association? […]

What you need to know now you’re a Business Owner

Have you been employed in a business that has left you feeling demotivated and tired?  You know that you could run that business better yourself?  It’s exciting to think you will work in the way you know is best, with a team who are equally as devoted as you are. You will be making good […]

Refresh Your Business with a Spring Clean

Circle picture of spring blossom. Circle logo, Circle shapes in brand colours

Refresh Your Business with a Spring Clean The lighter, longer days and the flowers blooming – Spring is here! And just like the changing seasons, it’s time to spring clean your business.   It’s not just about dusting off the shelves or tidying up the office space – it’s about looking at your business with […]

Your CQC Registration – Business Plan

Why do I need a Business Plan? circle image with a notepad with business plan written on, a pen and glasses

What is a Business Plan and why do I need one? To register with CQC, there are multiple documents that must be filed. One of these is the Business Plan and financial statements….and this we can help you with.   A Business Plan is important for any business. It helps you figure out how the […]

What is a Director’s Loan Account and how does it work?

What is a Directors Loan? And how does it work?

What is a Director’s Loan Account and how does it work?  As the Director of a Limited Company, you have a great deal of financial responsibility. One tax legislation that you will have heard of is a Director’s Loan Account, but what is it and why is it important?  In this blog post, we will […]

Knowing your worth – and charging for it!

Know Your Worth

The Importance of Knowing your Worth I often hear people saying that they have a ‘little’ business, almost like it’s a hobby or they are embarrassed to admit they are a business owner.  But why do this?  Why hide your light under a bushel? Is it because you don’t know your worth? Starting and running […]

Shareholders Agreement

What is a Shareholders agreement and why is it important?

Why does a Shareholders Agreement matter? When you’re starting a company with family or friends, it’s easy to think that you know and trust each other.  But what happens with something goes wrong in the future?  You might have disagreements over how the business is run or something happens that makes one person not able […]

What does an accountant do?

How to retain a top team

  We often find that when people ask us what we do and we say we’re an accountant, you can see eyes glaze over and yawns appear.  Apparently, Keith Richards started studying accountancy before the Rolling Stones, so perhaps it’s more rock and roll than we imagine!!   Talking to business owners recently, many don’t really […]

Our Values: Live Life

Our Values Live Life

Live Life is our favourite value.  This brings everything together and you can see how our values work in supporting our business goals.   Live life We’re about knowing what you want out of life and going for it. Fresh Clarity is flexible, authentic, real; we seek out connection and experience while we’ve got the […]

Our Values: Collaboration

Fresh Clarity team culture

Values are important to us at Fresh Clarity.  They give us a clear direction and framework to work with.  Values in business will help to ensure everyone can make decisions and is working towards the same goal.  When you have an accountant with the same values, working together will be a breeze!  We want to […]