Confidence in your numbers – Understanding Cashflow


As a small business owner, navigating the ups and downs of cashflow can sometimes feel like riding a rollercoaster. With the recent challenges posed by economic uncertainties, such as the cost-of-living crisis, it’s understandable that concerns about financial stability may weigh heavily on your mind. Whether you’re fretting over payroll or grappling with tight budgets, you’re not alone in facing these hurdles.

According to a recent UK Care Week survey, a staggering 46% of respondents expressed dissatisfaction with their pay. Additionally, 90% reported being affected by the cost-of-living crisis. These statistics show the level of financial strains experienced by many, including small business owners like yourself.

Here are some actionable steps that you can do:

  • Assess Your Cashflow

  • Review Expenses

  • Prioritise Payments

  • Explore Financing Options

  • Seek Professional Advice

  • Focus on Growth

Take some time to assess your business finances on a regular basis, going through each of these steps in turn.  It will show where there are efficiencies to be made or where an increase in profits are required.

# Assess Your Cashflow:

Begin by conducting a thorough assessment of your cashflow situation. Take stock of your current financial standing, including incoming revenue, outgoing expenses, and any outstanding invoices or debts. By having a clear understanding of when payments are due and payment terms, you are better able to understand your liabilities and manger them effectively.  Create a cash flow forecast for the next 3-6 months to anticipate future cash needs so that you are aware if there is the chance that you might not have the money to fulfil all your obligations.

# Review Expenses:

Scrutinise your expenses to identify areas where you can trim costs without compromising essential operations. Look for opportunities to renegotiate contracts, consolidate services, or explore more cost-effective alternatives.  By completing a detailed audit of all operational costs, you might find where cuts can be made.  Can you get cheaper utilities for your office?  Are you paying subscriptions for services that you no longer use or need?

# Prioritise Payments:

When faced with limited funds, prioritise payments to ensure that critical obligations, such as employee salaries and essential utilities, are met on time. Communicate openly with your team about any temporary adjustments or delays in payments.

# Explore Financing Options:

Investigate potential financing options to alleviate short-term cash flow constraints. This could involve securing a small business loan, or seeking out alternative funding sources tailored to your needs.  There is occasionally the option for government grants, stay up to date by checking your local council social media or websites.  For example, Shropshire Council recently offered a grant for small businesses

# Seek Professional Advice:

Don’t hesitate to seek guidance from financial experts, such as accountants or business advisors, who can offer insights and strategies to weather financial challenges effectively.  Attend webinars or workshops on financial management if you feel you need more help to do this yourself.   At Fresh Clarity, we’re here to provide the support and expertise you need to navigate uncertain times with confidence, with tailored advice for your individual business needs.

# Focus on Growth:

While it’s crucial to address immediate cash flow concerns, don’t lose sight of your long-term business goals. Explore opportunities for growth and diversification that can help bolster your bottom line and strengthen your financial resilience over time. Look for new ways to diversify your current service.  For example, Louise recently spoke to a care company who are embracing new technology to deliver care to specific individuals.  With the stretch on funding for adult social care, any advances that can still deliver the same level of care and support but at a reduced cost is going to help the business survive into the longer term.  It might be worth looking to invest in technology to automate processes and reduce costs. Accounting software or CRM systems can streamline operations and save time.


In times of financial uncertainty, it’s essential to remember that challenges often present opportunities for innovation and growth. By adopting a proactive mindset and leveraging the support of trusted advisors like Fresh Clarity, you can overcome cash flow concerns and steer your business towards greater stability and success.  We understand the importance of addressing cash flow concerns with a proactive and strategic approach. Our aim is to offer support that goes beyond basic compliance, providing practical solutions tailored to your unique circumstances.

If you would like to work with a Shropshire based Award Winning firm, get in touch.

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